Mickaël Misbach

Senior Software Engineer

+41 79 881 01 38

Professional Experience


Senior Software Engineer (80%), Orbitalize SA (Geneva / Remote)

Software engineering for digital unmanned aviation.


Consulting Engineer, M. Misbach Ingénieur-Conseil, Ing. dipl. EPF (Lausanne)

Independent consulting engineer with an expertise in the areas of software engineering, information security and IT solutions.

Privacy & Security Software Architect, LDS - Laboratory for Data Security at EPFL (Lausanne)

Design, development, deployment and academic research of complex distributed systems that enable data collaboration using privacy-enhancing technologies based on homomorphic encryption.


  • Translated requirements into software architecture and development plan spanning over 6+ months of 2 complex distributed systems: MedCo is deployed in hospitals, and the MVP of the startup Tune Insight
  • Led software engineering teams of up to 5, created development guidelines, handled technical hiring and onboarding of newcomers
  • Implemented stacks with backends in Go, frontend in Angular & Typescript, containers with Docker, and DevOps practices with Github Actions, Travis CI and Bash
  • Reviewed IT security with OWASP and coordinated pentest and secure code review for deployment
  • Contributed to several academic research projects through publications, experiments, developments and supervision of students

Software Engineering Intern, The Hyve (Utrecht, NL)

Design and development of a privacy-preserving front end that uses PIC-SURE2 for the open-source clinical research platforms i2b2, tranSMART and MedCo.


  • Completion of my Master's thesis Building a common and privacy-preserving front end for open-source clinical research platforms
  • Designed and implemented a common user authentication scheme based on OpenID Connect and Keycloak across frontend (Angular & Typescript) and backend (Java & Java EE / WildFly) components

Student Research Assistant, LDS - Laboratory for Data Security at EPFL (Lausanne)

Part-time research and development for the integration of privacy-enhancing technologies based on homomorphic encryption in medical informatics systems.


  • Implemented a usable Proof-of-Concept integrated in i2b2 and SHRINE
  • Co-organized a technical workshop and gave several talks

Research in Medical Data Privacy Intern, CHUV - Lausanne University Hospital (Lausanne)

Research on data protection for personalized health aiming for a privacy-preserving cohort explorer for decentralized medical databases.


  • Contributed to scientific publications through experiments and developments

System Administrator and IT Manager, ProNet Services SA (Geneva)

Part-time IT management for the company.


  • Set up and maintained networks, servers, desktops, website and emails for 2 offices and 15+ end-users
  • Deployed and maintained on-premise groupwares (authentication, printing, file sharing, calendar)


Master of Science MSc in Communication Systems from EPFL


  • Title of Ingénieur en systèmes de communication (ing. sys. com. dipl. EPF)
  • Specialization in Information Security
  • Thesis: Building a common and privacy-preserving front end for open-source clinical research platforms
  • Selection of courses: Cryptography and Security, Privacy Protection, Media Security, Biometrics, TCP/IP and Mobile Networking, Distributed Information Systems

Bachelor of Science BSc in Communication Systems from EPFL


  • Selection of courses: Software Engineering, Object-Oriented, System and Concurrent Programming, Networks and Networks Security, Database Systems

Publications & Talks

Citizen-Centered, Auditable, and Privacy-Preserving Population Genomics in Nature Computational Science

Journal article by D Grishin, JL Raisaro, JR Troncoso-Pastoriza, K Obbad, K Quinn, M Misbach, J Gollhardt, J Sa, J Fellay, G M. Church and JP Hubaux.

SPHN/PHRT-MedCo in Action: Empowering the Swiss Molecular Tumor Board with Privacy-Preserving and Real-Time Patient Discovery in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics

Journal article by JL Raisaro, JR Troncoso-Pastoriza, S Pradervand, M Cuendet, M Misbach, J Sa, F Marino, N Freundler, N Rosat, D Cavin, A Leichtle, J Fellay, O Michielin, JP Hubaux.

MedCo2: Privacy-Preserving Cohort Exploration and Analysis in Digital Personalized Health and Medicine

Journal article by D Froelicher, M Misbach, JR Troncoso-Pastoriza, JL Raisaro and JP Hubaux.

MedCo: Enabling Secure and Privacy-Preserving Exploration of Distributed Clinical and Genomic Data in IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics

Journal article by JL Raisaro, JR Troncoso-Pastoriza, M Misbach, JS Sousa, S Pradervand, E Missiaglia, O Michielin, B Ford and JP Hubaux.

A common and privacy-preserving front-end for open-source clinical research platforms in 6th European i2b2 tranSMART AUG Conference

Talk given at the 6th european i2b2 tranSMART Academic User Group conference, held at the Campus Biotech in Geneva.

Building a common and privacy-preserving front end for open-source clinical research platforms in Infoscience

Master’s thesis report concluding my Master’s degree studies.

MedCo: Enabling Secure and Privacy-Preserving Exploration of Distributed Clinical and Genomic Data in Pan-European Health Research Data Networks Meeting

Talk given at the pan-european health research data networks meeting held at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (Antoni van Leeuwenhoek) in Amsterdam.

I2b2-MedCo Technical Workshop in EPFL

Workshop with several talks given on i2b2, SHRINE and MedCo organized by JL Raisaro, JS Sousa, M Misbach and JR Troncoso-Pastoriza.

MedCo: Enabling Privacy-Conscious Exploration of Distributed Clinical and Genomic Data in GenoPri'17

Conference Paper by JL Raisaro, JR Troncoso-Pastoriza, M Misbach, JS Sousa, S Pradervand, E Missiaglia, O Michielin, B Ford and JP Hubaux.

Volunteering Experience

Certified First Aider at First-aid team of EPFL campus (Lausanne)

Presence at 15+ first-aid station per year at events, emergency response on campus and continuous training with 10+ certifications obtained.


    Student Representative at Disciplinary Board of EPFL (Lausanne)

    Representation of the student body during disciplinary inquiry and decision-making process in collaboration with university lawyers for 5-10 cases per year.


      IT Manager at CLIC - CS Students Association of EPFL (Lausanne)

      IT management and organization of 300+ visitors events for the association, led by a committee of 10 and with a 20K CHF budget.


        President at AGEPoly - General Students Association of EPFL (Lausanne)

        Official representation of students, management of human resources, legal and finances, and organization of 5k+ visitors events for the association, led by a committee of 12 and with 7K members, 2 employees, 18 subcommittees and a 1.5M CHF budget.


          IT and Logistic Manager at AGEPoly - General Students Association of EPFL (Lausanne)

          IT management (servers, desktops, groupwares, website, emails, support), development of specific softwares, organization and logistics management of 5k+ visitors events for the association.



            Fluency: Native
            Fluency: Fluent


            Backend Engineering
            Level: 3/3
            • Go
            • Java (EE / WildFly)
            • SQL
            • OpenAPI / Swagger
            • gRPC
            Frontend Engineering
            Level: 2/3
            • Typescript
            • Angular
            • RxJS
            • Web APIs
            • WebAssemly
            • HTML / CSS
            DevOps & CI/CD
            Level: 3/3
            • Bash
            • Git
            • Docker (Compose)
            • Linux System Administration
            • GitHub Actions
            • Travis CI
            • OpenStack


                DIY & 3D printing
                    Board games

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